Gene Drives: privatising malaria control | Mariam Mayet
Save our Seeds travelled the world speaking to some of the world’s leading thinkers, activists and academics on the impact of gene drives. They recognise ACB’s The financialisation of malaria in Africa: Burkina Faso, rogue capital & GM /gene drive mosquitoes (2022), as the most in-depth analysis of the financial dynamics underpinning Target Malaria’s gene drive mosquito project to date; lauding this report as a major contribution to the debate around gene drives.
In this interview, Adam Breasly of Save our Seeds talks to ACB’s executive director Mariam Mayet, who elucidates how African governments have become so deeply indebted that they are unable to deliver basic public health for their populations. Watch here.
Gene Drives: identifying false solutions | Sabrina Masinjila
In another interview, Adam Breasley speaks to ACB’s research and advocacy officer Sabrina Masinjila, as one of a diverse range of experts, about the challenges to regulate gene drives. Mainjila shares how language exacerbates the issue of gene drive regulation. Watch here.