About the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is a research and advocacy organisation working towards food sovereignty and agroecology in Africa, with a focus on biosafety, seed systems and agricultural biodiversity. We are committed to dismantling inequalities and resisting corporate-industrial expansion in Africa’s food and agriculture systems.

Our Focus Areas

GM & Biosafety
Ac Bio Home Biosafety

Within networks of partner organisations we work towards the building of public awareness and capacity to respond to, and resist, the uptake and/or further expansion of first and now second GM technologies, such as gene drives or genome editing, in Africa.

Seed Sovereignty
Ac Bio Home Seeds

ACB’s seed sovereignty work seeks to resist commercial seed laws and policies that threaten smallholder farmers’ critical role in maintaining, adapting and reproducing agricultural biodiversity, and farmers’ rights associated with recognition of this role.

Corporate Expansion
Ac Bio Home Corporate

The ACB monitors and contests corporate expansion by conducting research and analysis, sharing information, and working with networks to build popular resistance, with a focus on agricultural input supply (seed, fertiliser, pesticides).

Our Approach

We have a long and respected track record of opposing the aggressive push of the Green Revolution on the African continent, and the national and regional institutional architecture driving this.

At the same time, we work with partners to deepen a shared understanding of, and realise transitions to, agroecological farming practices that provide an alternative to the corporate capture of African seed and food systems.


UPF en Afrique : fiches 6-10 

Cliquez ici pour lire les fiches d’information 1-5. (Click here to read in English.) Fiche d’information 10: Synthèse sur les UPF en Afrique La fiche d’information 10 est la dernière de notre série qui examine les différentes facettes des aliments ultra-transformés (UPF) et met en lumière les graves implications de leur consommation croissante pour l’environnement, […]


La biotechnologie de la « boîte noire » – Intégration de l’intelligence artificielle à la b...

S’attaquer aux risques, au battage médiatique et aux inégalités qui sous-tendent la biologie générative Click here for the English version. Haga clic aquí para la versión en español. Le Centre africain pour la biodiversité (ACB), en collaboration avec le Réseau Tiers-monde (TWN) et l’ETC Group, a produit une note d’information opportune avant la 16e réunion […]


Reviving use of local seeds in African farming

African Centre for Biodiversity’s executive director Mariam Mayet is featured on a SciDev podcast, Africa Science Focus, speaking about the importance of supporting and revitalising of farmer seed systems in Africa. Listen to the podcast here. Header Image Credit: ©2019 CIAT/Georgina Smith on Flickr


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