Latest Tag: Monsanto Resources
8 March 2023
Resistance against “bogus” drought tolerant (DT) maize in South Africa: a snapshot of two decades of activism
In 2023, on 7-8 February, the ACB finally had a court hearing in the High Court in Pretoria, after five years of protracted legal proceedings since we lodged the application for a review. The aim has been to overturn the decisions of the South African Executive Council: GMO Act (EC), the GMO Appeal Board, and […]
6 June 2018
Bayer opposes black economic empowerment in purchase of Monsanto
The Competition Tribunal announced the finalisation of the merger between Bayer and Monsanto in South Africa in May. Bayer had taken the original conditions imposed by the Competition Commission in 2017 to the Tribunal for reassessment. These included selling businesses to black economic empowerment (BEE) compliant companies. Bayer has claimed confidentiality on the conditions, making […]
4 June 2018
The debate on GMOs in Africa rages on, this time in Tanzania
A heated public debate on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) ensued during a seminar organised by MVIWATA – a network of smallholder farmers – in Morogoro, Tanzania. The meeting took place on 12 May 2018 and was attended by more than a hundred people, including parliamentarians and high-level government officials. The event, which was intended only […]
18 October 2017
The GMO crisis in Swaziland
Swaziland is under enormous pressure to introduce genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the country’s farming system. This pressure is coming not only from Monsanto but also from farmers and some sections of the public who have been fed a great deal of misinformation and hype by the pro-biotech machinery. The farmers, acting on incomplete and […]
31 July 2017
The Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project: Real or false solution to climate change?
By Lim Li Ching, Senior Researcher, Third World Network Climate change is an urgent challenge facing farmers in Africa. As our world warms, many farmers are already experiencing devastating consequences, including storms, drought, floods, heat waves and extreme weather events. The implications for food security are severe, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) […]