Spiritual and Cultural Value of Seed in South Africa is the second video in a six part series covering discussions from the National Seed Dialogue and Celebration, an event hosted by ACB.
The seed, like the big bang, or evolution, or the atom … bears the mystifying tale of a beginning. We fill our bellies on the seed, heal our wounds, build our homes.
Systems of production and exchange include knowledge systems. In farmer seed systems, this knowledge resides in farmers, particularly women farmers, in their everyday practices, and in elders with a store of indigenous knowledge about seed production and reproduction. Seed goes beyond yields and food, and plays a central role in cultural reproduction itself.
For the full report on the National Seed Dialogue and Celebration, click here.
For the next video in the series, click here.
Read about Art, Seed Sovereignty and Activism here.
You can also read a blog from the event giving insights into our food system here.