Latest Farmer Seed Systems Resources
23 March 2018
Seed policy paper: Towards national and regional seed policies in Africa that recognise and support farmer seed systems
The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has prepared this policy discussion document as a contribution towards national and regional seed policies in Africa that recognise and support farmer seed systems. The document is an effort to synthesise the policy issues emerging from our research and advocacy work on farmer seed systems in the past few […]
READ12 March 2018
Insights into our food system: Why did catering indigenous local food at the National Seed Dialogue go so horribly wrong?…
On December 2017, the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) hosted a National Seed Dialogue and Celebration at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg. The event brought together farmers and civil society organisations from eight provinces, as well as from across the region, to celebrate the work that small-scale farmers do as custodians of seeds, and to share […]
READ1 March 2018
A review of participatory plant breeding and lessons for African seed and food sovereignty movements
There is growing awareness of the unique and important role smallholder farmers around the world play in conserving, using and enhancing biodiversity. Conventional breeding has created a separation between farmers and specialised breeders. Participatory plant breeding (PPB) is a field of action developed over the past 25-30 years to overcome this separation, and reunite farmers […]
READ29 January 2018
Celebrating smallholder farmers and seed diversity in South Africa: Report from the national seed dialogue and celebration
On 8 and 9 December 2017 the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) hosted a national seed dialogue and celebration at Constitution Hill in Johannesburg. Farmer representatives from eight provinces, along with civil society organisations, academics, and officials from the Agricultural Research Council and Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) participated in cultural events and […]
READ22 January 2018
Art, Seed Sovereignty and Activism: Weaving New Stories
Preparing for the National Seed Dialogue and Celebration, hosted by the African Centre for Biodiversity, smallholder farmers, activists and government officials are crowded into the atrium of the Women’s Jail at Constitution Hill and a drum is beating. A performer, Simo Mpapa Majola, dressed in blankets, is praying and singing and imploring the audience. He […]
READ13 November 2017
Smallholder farmers score victory at international ‘Seed Treaty’ meeting
A landmark decision on the establishment of an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group to realise farmers’ rights was recently taken by the seventh session of the Governing Body (GB7) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA; also known as the ‘Seed Treaty’). There was stiff opposition from countries from […]
READ27 September 2017
Seed sovereignty for Peasant Farmers in Malawi blocked by emerging national seed policy
The government of Malawi is poised to adopt a draconian National Seed Policy that blocks peasant farmers’ opportunities to secure and strengthen farmer-managed seed systems (FMSS), and which would undermine farmers’ rights and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, to which Malawi is a Party. An ad hoc stakeholder policy […]
READ25 August 2017
Seed capture in South Africa: A threat to seed freedom but the seed movement is fighting back
Simangele Siko, a member of the central committee at Izindaba Zokudla, in her thanks to ACB after the workshop said, “The farmers have got power, immense power, but you have just unearthed the power!” Who can claim to own a seed? In these kernels lie the genetic wisdom of millions of years, co-created within specific […]
READ4 August 2017
Local seed varieties are essential for sustainable food systems … but face challenges
Smallholder farmers in Mozambique want access to a diversity of quality seed, but not exclusively from the formal sector. Farmers highly value their own varieties and want to work on enhancing these, too. These strong messages came out of a dialogue held between smallholder farmers, government officials and research institutions in Chimoio, Manica Province in […]
READ5 May 2017
Factsheets: ARIPO: Harmonisation of Plant Variety Protection in Africa
This final factsheet in our series gives an outline of the ARIPO PVP Protocol and its implications. English | French | Portuguese | Shona | Swahili To read all the factsheets in this series, click here. If you’re new to Genetically Modified (GM), click here to download and read some of the fact sheets we’ve […]
READ5 May 2017
Factsheets: SUI Generis Laws for PVP/PBR Protection
In this factsheet you can read about the World Trade Organisation and the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement. English | French | Portuguese | Shona | Swahili Read the next factsheet in the series, here.
READ5 May 2017
Factsheets: Turkey’s Purple Carrot
This factsheet unpacks the theft of Turkey’s purple carrot as an example of biopiracy. English | French | Portuguese | Shona | Swahili Click here for the next factsheet in the series.