Latest Resources

16 January 2025
Media campaign highlights urgent need to ban Terbufos, HHPs
In December, the ACB, alongside a coalition of organisations, academics, and unions, submitted a letter of demand to the Minister of Agriculture, Mr John Steenhuisen. This urgent appeal calls for the immediate ban of Terbufos — a highly hazardous pesticide implicated in the tragic deaths of six children in Naledi, Soweto, last year. To amplify […]

10 December 2024
Wishing you peace, joy, and hope this holiday season
Our lives are a battlefield on which is fought a continuous war between the forces that are pledged to confirm our humanity and those determined to dismantle it; those who strive to build a protective wall around it, and those who wish to pull it down; those who seek to mould it and those committed […]

6 December 2024
One year later and no substantive response to our call for a review of 2,4-D
Minister Steenhuisen, when can we expect the Registrar to respond? Today marks a year since we called for a review of the registration of 2,4-D in South Africa, in a letter to the Registrar: Act No. 36 of 1947, Mr Jonathan Mudzunga. With no substantive response forthcoming, despite substantiation in a further submission, and persistent […]

30 October 2024
International Farmer Seeds Gathering 2024
ACB executive director Mariam Mayet and research and advocacy officer Sabrina Masinjila recently participated in the fourth edition of the International Farmer Seeds Gathering, this year held in Antibes, France. Co-organised by Reseau Semences Paysannes, SOL and the Maison des Semences Maralpines in collaboration with the European network Let’s Liberate Diversity!, the gathering was a […]

23 October 2024
Arrêt inédit de la Cour de cassation dans l’affaire ACB contre Monsanto/Bayer et l’État
Annulation de l’autorisation commerciale d’un maïs génétiquement modifié tolérant à la sécheresse Cliquez ici pour lire en anglais. Cliquez ici pour lire en espagnol. Johannesburg, le 22 octobre 2024 Après neuf ans de procédure judiciaire ardue menée par le Centre africain pour la biodiversité (ACB), un collège complet composé de cinq juges de la Cour […]

3 October 2024
Kenya Seed Savers Network workshop on CBD and GBF
In September, ACB research and advocacy officer Sabrina Masinjila participated in a multi-stakeholder workshop hosted by the Kenya Seed Savers Network. The aim of the meeting, which took place in Gilgil, was to develop a strategy for grassroots organisations to effectively engage in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and actualise the Global Biodiversity Framework […]

23 April 2024
Reviving use of local seeds in African farming
African Centre for Biodiversity’s executive director Mariam Mayet is featured on a SciDev podcast, Africa Science Focus, speaking about the importance of supporting and revitalising of farmer seed systems in Africa. Listen to the podcast here. Header Image Credit: ©2019 CIAT/Georgina Smith on Flickr

9 February 2024
African Perspectives on Agroecology now available for free online
Edited by scholar-activist Rachel Wynberg, African Perspectives on Agroecology: Why farmer-led seed and knowledge systems matter is now freely available online. The widely endorsed book includes a chapter by the African Centre for Biodiversity’s Stephen Greenberg on corporate expansion in African seed systems: implications for agricultural biodiversity and food sovereignty. African Perspectives on Agroecology includes […]

8 December 2023
Wishing you a joyous end of year
“Our own shadows disappear as the feet of thousandsby the tens of thousands pound the fallow landinto new dust thatrising like a marvellous pollen will befertileeven as the first woman whisperingimagination to the trees around her madefor righteous fruitfrom such deliberate defence of lifeas no other stillwill claim inferior to any other safetyin the world.”— […]

19 October 2023
ACB attends 25th SBSTTA meeting in Kenya
The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is participating in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 25th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) in Nairobi, Kenya, 15–19 October 2023, represented by advocacy and research officer Sabrina Masinjila. (She is pictured above, sitting next to Barbara Ntambirweki – Ugandan lawyer and researcher working […]