Latest Resources

25 September 2024
New Genetic Engineering Technologies in Food and Agriculture in Africa
Over the past few years, the ACB has produced and shared several briefing papers concerning new genetic engineering technologies for food and agriculture. Building on this work, and in light of the major deregulation push globally concerning genome editing, including in several countries in Africa, we have produced two updated factsheets on this dangerous distraction […]

22 August 2024
UPF en Afrique : fiches 6-10
Cliquez ici pour lire les fiches d’information 1-5. (Click here to read in English.) Fiche d’information 10: Synthèse sur les UPF en Afrique La fiche d’information 10 est la dernière de notre série qui examine les différentes facettes des aliments ultra-transformés (UPF) et met en lumière les graves implications de leur consommation croissante pour l’environnement, […]

16 August 2024
UPF in Africa: fact sheets 6-10
Click here for factsheets 1-5. (Pour lire les fiches en français, cliquez ici.) Fact sheet 10: UPF in Africa synthesis briefing Factsheet 10 is the final in our series that considers the different dimensions of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and highlights the serious environmental, social, economic and health implications of the expansion of UPF consumption in […]

13 May 2024
GMOs: two decades of laying out the facts
Even though first-generation genetically modified (GM) agricultural crops have faced significant setbacks and outright failures over the last two decades, a new push for second-generation GM crops has emerged. Despite the destructive role of industrial agricultural expansion in biodiversity loss and human health, we are seeing a resurgence in its momentum, with false solutions such […]

25 March 2024
Les aliments ultra-transformés en Afrique
Implications pour une transition agroécologique juste des systèmes alimentaires et agricoles Une série du Centre africain pour la biodiversité Les fiches d’information 6 et 10 sont maintenant disponibles. (Click here to read in English.) Dans cette série d’articles sur les aliments ultra-transformés (UPF) sur le continent africain, nous examinons les effets de l’évolution des comportements […]

8 March 2024
Ultra-processed food in Africa
Implications for just agroecological transitions of food and agriculture systems A series by the African Centre for Biodiversity Click here for factsheets 6-10. (Cliquez ici pour lire en français.) In this series focusing on ultra-processed food (UPF) on the African continent, we explore the impacts of shifting dietary patterns, with increasing reliance on low-cost, ultra-processed […]

28 September 2023
Just transition and adaptation in the food system: national policy dialogue
The National policy dialogue on a just transition and adaptation in the food system took place in Ekurhuleni, from 20-22 September. Organisations representing the labour movement, smallholder farmers, farm workers, labour tenants, informal traders, waste reclaimers, food and land justice organisations, civil society, and policymakers came together to discuss building a coordinated understanding and policy […]

19 September 2023
Financialisation, dematerialisation, digitalisation & distancing of Africa’s agriculture
What future for small-scale farmers and their food and seed systems? Following on from part one, The rise of digital agriculture and dispossession in Africa: implications for smallholder farmers, part two looks at how private-sector interests and motives are driving the financialisation of Africa’s food and farming systems. Financialisation is the focus on generation of […]

30 August 2023
The rise of digital agriculture and dispossession in Africa: implications for smallholder farmers
In part one in a series of two, consisting of a briefing paper and linked fact sheet, we explore the current status of digital agriculture in Africa and the potential implications its deployment has for smallholder farmers on the continent. We outline three primary areas of concern related to potential inequitable benefits and influence accrued from its deployment; […]

13 August 2018
Farm input subsidy programme (FISP) info pamphlet
This pamphlet offers a quick background on the FISPs and the key issues and concerns. It explains what FISPs are, their aims, why the FISPs are failing to meet their objectives, how they promote small-scale farmer dependency, and ways of transitioning out of FISPs towards more appropriate forms of smallholder farmer support. African Centre for […]