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Financing biodiversity in the face of capitalist extractivism and ecocide

ACB comments on the South African government’s Biodiversity Finance Plan Humanity is facing a multi-faceted crisis of civilisation, with environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Fundamentally, this crisis is caused by capitalist dynamics of accumulation and extraction, and the associated use of the environment as a free or cheap resource and service provider. Effective biodiversity restoration […]

Greenhouse gas emissions in the South African food system: Integrated and transformative response...

Climate change is set to wreak havoc on South Africa (SA)’s agri-food system. Increasing temperatures, lower and more erratic rainfall, and more extreme weather events will characterise the climate in Southern Africa over the next decades. This poses challenges for food production and food security. At the same time, SA’s agri-food system is one of […]

Les subventions néfastes, la dette et le financement de la biodiversité en Afrique

Des pistes pour une transition juste en préparation de la COP 16 et au-delà (Click here to read in English.) La cible 18 du cadre mondial pour la biodiversité de la Convention sur la diversité biologique préconise l’élimination, la suppression progressive ou la réforme des subventions néfastes pour l’environnement et la société, ainsi que l’augmentation […]

Harmful subsidies, debt and financing for biodiversity in Africa

Just transition pathways for CBD’s COP 16 and beyond (Cliquez ici pour lire en français.) Target 18 of the Convention for Biological Diversity’s Global Biodiversity Framework calls for the elimination, phasing out, or reform of environmentally and socially harmful subsidies, and a scaling up of positive incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, […]

La biotechnologie de la « boîte noire » – Intégration de l’intelligence artificielle à la b...

S’attaquer aux risques, au battage médiatique et aux inégalités qui sous-tendent la biologie générative Click here for the English version. Haga clic aquí para la versión en español. Le Centre africain pour la biodiversité (ACB), en collaboration avec le Réseau Tiers-monde (TWN) et l’ETC Group, a produit une note d’information opportune avant la 16e réunion […]

La caja negra de la biotecnología – Integración de la inteligencia artificial con la biolog...

Afrontar los riesgos, exageraciones y desigualdades de la biología generativa Click here for the English version. Cliquez ici pour la version française. El Centro Africano para la Biodiversidad (ACB), junto con la Third World Network (TWN) y el ETC Group, han elaborado un oportuno documento informativo de cara a la 16ª reunión de la Conferencia […]

‘Black Box’ Biotechnology – Integration of artificial intelligence with synthetic biology

Addressing the risks, hype, and inequities underpinning generative biology Haga clic aquí para la versión en español. Cliquez ici pour la version française. The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), together with Third World Network (TWN) and ETC Group, have produced a timely briefing paper ahead of the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties […]

The decline of FISPs in Malawi – debt, corruption and hunger

What future for smallholder farmers and realising agroecology?

Is Zambia’s food system collapsing? 

Zambia’s collapsed food system: never-ending debt, climate shocks, biodiversity loss and FISPs – the indispensability of transitioning to agroecology In this briefing, we look at how Zambia is facing a gathering food crisis of serious proportions. Amidst repeated droughts and floods, energy rationing, and shortages of drinkable water, food prices are rising and millions are at risk […]

Financialisation, dematerialisation, digitalisation & distancing of Africa’s agriculture

What future for small-scale farmers and their food and seed systems? Following on from part one, The rise of digital agriculture and dispossession in Africa: implications for smallholder farmers, part two looks at how private-sector interests and motives are driving the financialisation of Africa’s food and farming systems. Financialisation is the focus on generation of […]