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Submission on the Draft Biofuels Industrial Strategy

By: Earthlife Africa eThekwini Branch – African Centre for Biosafety – GRAIN – SAFeAGE – Ekogaia -The Third World Investment Gateway Trust To: Department of Minerals and Energy 31 March 2007 Read submission here.

SA’s new GM experiment’s cause for great concern

It is with extreme disquiet that the Africa Centre for Biosafety (ACB) notes the recent spate of new applications for GM experiments in South Africa. These experiments with new GMOs not only place human populations and the environment at great risk, but continue to reinforce a flawed development paradigm, which seeks to introduce hi-tech products […]

Objection to Genetically Modified Cotton Ll 25

Objection to Bayer Crop Science’s Application for Commodity Clearance of Genetically Modified Cotton Ll 25 Read here.

Regulation of GMOs in South Africa: details & short comings

The ACB has been motivated to write this paper by the coming into effect on the 17th April 2007, of the Genetically Modified Organisms Amendment Act (No. 23 of 2006). (ii) This amends the Genetically Modified Organisms Act No. 15 of 1997 (‘GMO Act’), 10 years after it became part of the body of post-apartheid […]

Trojan Horse for GMOs

After more than 10 years of genetically modified (GM) crop plants being grown in the world, only South Africa out of 53 countries on the African continent have commercial plantings of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Nine countries: Burkina Faso; Egypt; Kenya; Morocco; Senegal; South Africa; Tanzania; Zambia; and Zimbabwe have reported field trials of GMOs, […]

New Green Revolution for Africa: Trojan Horse for GMOs

After more than 10 years of genetically modified (GM) crop plants being grown in the world, only South Africa out of 53 countries on the African continent have commercial plantings of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Nine countries, Burkina Faso; Egypt; Kenya; Morocco; Senegal; South Africa; Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe have reported field trials of GMOs, while […]

Biofuels Africa Alert: Africa’s Biodiesel: Going Nuts

It is with extreme disquiet that the African Centre for Biosafety notes the recent spate of new applications for GM experiments in South Africa, see below. We are extremely concerned that our government has laid our country open to the wholesale experimentation involving a whole new range of GM applications, in a context where there […]

Nigeria – GMO Legislation

Comments On Nigerian Biosafety Act 2006. Read here.

Uganda – GMO Legislation

INTRODUCTION During 2001, Uganda embarked on a national agricultural biotechnology programme focusing on the several transformative biotechnology innovations, and genetic engineering (GE). This programme is linked to Uganda’s policy to eradicate poverty by 2015, described in its Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP). PEAP is Uganda’s overarching macro-economic framework, designed to transform Uganda into a modern […]

Tanzania – GMO Legislation

THE NATIONAL BIOSAFETY GUIDELINES FOR TANZANIA According to the Minister of State in the Vice President’s office-Environment, the Honourable Mr Ntagazwa, the Biosafety Guidelines are meant to “facilitate the importation and use of GMOs and their products in Tanzania”. Indeed, the Guidelines, which pay a great deal of attention to scientific details, establish a non-legally […]