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Objection to Monsanto’s GM Cotton Cry 1 Ac and Cry 2 Ab

Objection to Monsanto’s GM Cotton Cry 1 Ac and Cry 2 Ab Read more.

NGO Statement on an international regime on ABS

NGO Statement on an international regime on ABS. Read here.

The Appeal by ARC-IIC against the DOA’s refusal for a trial release of GM Cassava

The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) Institute for Industrial Crops (IIC) submitted an application to the Directorate of Genetic Resources (DGR) within the Department of Agriculture (DOA) in 2006 for a trial release of genetically modified cassava. The African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) submitted its objections to the proposed trial release. On the 19th March 2007 […]

Bioprospecting, Biopiracy and Indigenous Knowledge: Two Case Studies from the Eastern Cape, SA

This book provides a critical overview of South Africa’s legal regime with a view to investigating its ability to stem the tide of biopiracy involving indigenous knowledge. Against this backdrop, two case studies are discussed from the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. In this province, the vast majority of inhabitants rely on traditional medicine […]

Drug Companies Looting SA’s bounty of Medicinal Plants

The government has stepped in to save a tiny South African plant, pelargonium, from extinction after hundreds of tons were harvested for foreign drug companies, one of which has patented its use to fight HIV/Aids. Now traditional healers, who have used the plant for centuries, are trying to win back the patent which they claim […]

Prof Thompson’s GM Maize Streak Virus

There have been several reports in the media recently about the development of the first genetically engineered crop developed and tested solely by Africans for Africans. Professor Jennifer Thompson and scientists at the University of Cape Town South African, in collaboration with colleagues from seed company, PANNAR Pty Ltd have reported on the development of […]

World Bank Projects on Biosafety Harmonisation

In Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Mali, Senegal A disclaimer addressed to the attention of GEF CEO and GEF council members by the Coalition for the Protection of African Genetic Heritage (COPAGEN). Read more here.

ARC’s Appeal Against GM Cassava Ruling

A year ago, the African Centre for Biosafety and international NGO, GRAIN teamed up to oppose an application by the Agriculture Research Council (ARC) to conduct GM cassava field trials in South Africa. We put together comprehensive written objections to the application, strongly supported by a wide range of South African and international groups and […]

Desperate Appeal Against Rejection of Gates Foundations’ GM Sorghum Experiments

Desperate Appeal Against Rejection of Gates Foundations’ GM Sorghum Experiments GRAIN SA, representing commercial farmers in South Africa, is feverishly drumming up support for the appeal by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) against the rejection of its GM sorghum application. Read here.

Mosantos GM Drought Tolerant Maize in South Africa

Mosantos GM Drought Tolerant Maize in South Africa. Read here.