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La caja negra de la biotecnología – Integración de la inteligencia artificial con la biolog...

Afrontar los riesgos, exageraciones y desigualdades de la biología generativa Click here for the English version. Cliquez ici pour la version française. El Centro Africano para la Biodiversidad (ACB), junto con la Third World Network (TWN) y el ETC Group, han elaborado un oportuno documento informativo de cara a la 16ª reunión de la Conferencia […]

‘Black Box’ Biotechnology – Integration of artificial intelligence with synthetic biology

Addressing the risks, hype, and inequities underpinning generative biology Haga clic aquí para la versión en español. Cliquez ici pour la version française. The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), together with Third World Network (TWN) and ETC Group, have produced a timely briefing paper ahead of the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties […]

UPF en Afrique : fiches 6-10 

Cliquez ici pour lire les fiches d’information 1-5. (Click here to read in English.) Fiche d’information 10: Synthèse sur les UPF en Afrique La fiche d’information 10 est la dernière de notre série qui examine les différentes facettes des aliments ultra-transformés (UPF) et met en lumière les graves implications de leur consommation croissante pour l’environnement, […]

UPF in Africa: fact sheets 6-10

Click here for factsheets 1-5. (Pour lire les fiches en français, cliquez ici.) Fact sheet 10: UPF in Africa synthesis briefing Factsheet 10 is the final in our series that considers the different dimensions of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and highlights the serious environmental, social, economic and health implications of the expansion of UPF consumption in […]

The decline of FISPs in Malawi – debt, corruption and hunger

What future for smallholder farmers and realising agroecology?

Is Zambia’s food system collapsing? 

Zambia’s collapsed food system: never-ending debt, climate shocks, biodiversity loss and FISPs – the indispensability of transitioning to agroecology In this briefing, we look at how Zambia is facing a gathering food crisis of serious proportions. Amidst repeated droughts and floods, energy rationing, and shortages of drinkable water, food prices are rising and millions are at risk […]

Stop chemical war on bodies of farm workers, farm dwellers and their children!

Statement rejecting the Draft Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Agents published on 5 April 2024, under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No 85 of 1993) On 5 May 2024, the Democratic Alliance (DA) staged a protest outside the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) headquarters in Johannesburg. As part of the political […]

Annual report for 2023 celebrates ACB’s 20th anniversary

2023 was a special year for the ACB, as it marked the twentieth anniversary since our organisation came into being, initially in response to the emergence of genetically modified organisms and the attendant biosafety issues in food and agriculture.  As the organisation grew, our focus broadened to include a host of interconnected issues affecting food […]

ACB’s legacy podcast: celebrating 20 years of resistance against GMOs in Africa

This legacy series provides an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the past two decades of ACB’s advocacy and activism, with a particular focus on resisting the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into our agricultural and food systems in Africa.  Our first podcast in the series is hosted by ACB Research and Advocacy Officer […]

GMOs: two decades of laying out the facts

Even though first-generation genetically modified (GM) agricultural crops have faced significant setbacks and outright failures over the last two decades, a new push for second-generation GM crops has emerged. Despite the destructive role of industrial agricultural expansion in biodiversity loss and human health, we are seeing a resurgence in its momentum, with false solutions such […]