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5 December 2022
The Africa we want?
A NEO-IMPERIALIST FOOD REGIME REINFORCED BY AGENDA 2063, THE UNFCCC, AND THE CBD Closely linked to this work, is a five part series of interconnected briefing papers which reflect on the inability of both the UNFCCC and the CBD, to address collapsing socio-ecological systems and rather, its complicity in re-embedding geopolitical inequality, debt, and underdevelopment […]
27 November 2020
Introducing ACB’s multiple shocks in Africa series: ecological crisis, capitalist nature & d...
Veuillez cliquer ici pour le français Por favor clique aqui para Português Por favor, haga clic aquí para el español Tafadhali bonyeza hapa kwa Kiswahili The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent crises, as a result of lockdowns, have exposed the fractures of human societies’ relationship with nature. In a world dominated by capitalist globalisation, these crises […]