Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
– Rachel Carson
Dear ACB Friends and Family,
As this unimaginable year comes to a close, we would like to share our gratitude for all your support, strength and courage. This year revealed to us the fragility of our global society, and the difficult point in history we find ourselves.
We simply cannot go back to seeing things the way they were before. Powerful shifts have taken place and it is time we wake up to the world being birthed. Our journey together has carried us through a time of deep suffering, with hope, community, and imaginings.
In this time of deep uncertainty, we are reminded to take care of ourselves, our loved ones, and our home, this planet, driven by solidarity and, indeed, love – for justice, and for all life on earth. This is an opportunity to understand this new world through a different lens.
Our need for connection to what is natural and sacred continues to guide us to find each other, and reminds us that we are a part of life itself, in all its wonder.
In the stories we exchange with each other, we discover the language of this new being – a world that calls us to lead from imagination and not from isolation, a world where action is not a burden, but our responsibility.
This is a world where we all belong.
We would like to thank our multiple donors and partners for your continued support, friendship, trust and flexibility.
Thank you all for being on this journey with us!
Wishing you a much deserved, restful and reviving break.
Stay safe and healthy out there.
The ACB team
Artwork: Linzi Lewis, Floored Reality: A World Inverted. Oil paint on used parquet, 2009