Drawing, painting and photography have been life-long interests of Vanessa Black; as a way to make sense of the world but also to share delight in its beauty. Black added depth to the ACB’s advocacy through her extensive artwork on an earlier iteration of our website, as well as illustrating the covers of several publications. Johannesburg born, she completed a Bachelor of Architecture Degree at the University of the Witwatersrand and joined Earthlife Africa as a student. After working briefly as an architect she followed her passion for environmental justice and worked with various organisations in Johannesburg and Durban. She served on ACB’s Board from 2006 until 2016, when she resigned to join Biowatch SA.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vnessblack
Instagram: @vnessblack
Viewbug: https://www.viewbug.com/member/vanessablack

View the rest of the artists and designers in our Artist Gallery here.