Unmasking the New Green Revolution in Africa: Motives, Players and Dynamics

By Elenita C. Dano Publisher: Third World Network (TWN), Church Development Service (EED) and the African Centre for Biosafety


Efforts are currently underway to spark a ‘New Green Revolution’ in African agriculture. Modelled on the original Green Revolution which began in Asia some five decades ago, this ambitious project entails the large-scale application of a technological package comprising new seed varieties, often including genetically modified crops, industrial farm inputs and massive agricultural infrastructure.

This paper looks at the major players behind this push for an African Green Revolution – a high-powered mix of Western Philanthropic organisations, agribusiness corporations, intergovernmental institutions and other groups – and traces the links and interconnected relationships between them. The paper also asks whether this grand scheme, which purports to be chiefly concerned with agricultural development in Africa, might not end up providing a cover for narrow corporate interests.

The real solution to the problems facing African agriculture, the author argues, lies not with such externally imposed initiatives but in the hands of African farmers and smallholders themselves, who must be at the forefront of efforts to meet the continent’s food-security and rural-development needs.


ELENITA DANO is an independent researcher based in Davao City, Philippines who has extensive experience in development work, especially on issues affecting community-based conservation and development of plant genetic resources in Southeast Asia. She is currently employed as an Associate of Third World Network on a part-time basis, working mainly on sustainable agriculture, biodiversity and biosafety issues.


  1. Introduction
  2. The Green Revolution in Asia: Serving as Inspiration for Africa
  3. “The Doubly Green Revolution”: Africa’s Turn
  4. Time for a Philanthropy Revolution
  5. The United Nations Family
  6. The International Financial Institutions
  7. The CGIAR’S Silver Bullet: New Rice for Africa (NERICA)
  8. Agricultural Companies in Africa
  9. NEPAD: Dancing to the Green Revolution Dream
  10. Other Players: Riding on the Green Revolution Dream
  11. Linking Arms: Dynamics Among the Players
  12. Moving Forward: Suggestions for Civil Society in Tackling the Green Revolution Challenge Endnotes

You can read the book in pdf format here.