Latest GMOs/Biosafety in South Africa Resources

Is the end of the State of Disaster the beginning of mandatory vaccines in South Africa?

The endless extensions to the State of Disaster, initially declared two years ago, has provoked criticism from medical experts and calls for its end from public-interest groups and an increasingly fed-up citizenry. Recently, the government announced that the restrictions were finally to be lifted.  However, during this time, a draft amendment to the National Health […]


Bayer breathing life into Gates’ failed GM drought tolerant maize

Agrarian extractivism continues unabated on the African continent In this alert, African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) research and advocacy officers, Sabrina Masinjila and Rutendo Zendah, give insights into the development of a double stacked drought tolerant variety MON 87460 x MON 810, under the Gate’s funded project, Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA), now known […]


Regulator’s blind eye of Corteva’s toxic spread: 2,4-D GM maize and agrarian extractivism in South Africa

It is incontestable that 2,4-D is extremely toxic for the environment and human health, as numerously raised and resisted by civil society for more than a decade. However, a succession of South African regulators over the years have failed to stop 2,4-D from entering our agricultural and food system, in a global context where many […]


Objection to commodity clearance of Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA GM soybean DAS-814419-2 x DAS-44406-6

Despite the grave warnings of the COVID 19 pandemic and the increased need to de-colonise and de-corporatise our food systems and shift towards sovereignty, there continues to be an increase in the applications for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) of the 2,4-D variety, for introduction into the South African farming and food system. This trend is […]


Objection to commodity clearance of Corteva’s MON 89034 x TC1507 x MIR162 x NK603 x DAS-40278-9 maize

ACB’s objection to commodity clearance of Corteva’s MON 89034 x TC1507 x MIR162 x NK603 x DAS-40278-9 maize The COVID-19 pandemic shines a light exposing the fragility of South Africa’s unequal and unjust food system. A food system that continues to choose herbicides over health, and profit over people and our planet. Since the pandemic, […]


GMOs in South Africa 23 years on: failures, biodiversity loss and escalating hunger

Transition to agroecology urgently needed This paper aims to update the public on activities and increased concerns since South Africa first approved the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops before the turn of the century. We are now living through a global pandemic, pointing to the imbalanced relationship between humans and our life-supporting systems and […]


ACB raises concerns on GM Covid-19 vaccine trials for SA, calls for transparency & public hearings

Clique aqui para a versão portuguesa Por favor, haga clic aquí para el español The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has made a submission to the Registrar of GMOs in South Africa, following an application made by Professor Shabir Ahmed Madhi, from the Respiratory and Meningeal Pathogens Research Unit (RMPRU), Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, […]


More poisoning of South Africa’s staple food given the go-ahead: 2,4-D GM maize varieties approved

The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is extremely alarmed to learn that three genetically modified maize varieties developed by Corteva (new name of the Dow-DuPont merged entity) to withstand the application of the dangerous 2,4-D herbicide have been approved for general release by the Executive Council: GMO Act. This poses a grave threat to the […]


Resounding no to Monsanto’s ‘bogus’ GM drought tolerant maize

Resounding no to Monsanto’s ‘bogus’ GM drought tolerant maize: South Africa’s Minister, Appeal Board and Biosafety Authority Reject Monsanto’s GM seeds Johannesburg, South Africa, 4 October 2019 After more than 10 years of battling Monsanto’s ‘bogus’ drought tolerant maize project, the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) welcomes the decision by the Minister of Agriculture, Ms. […]



Civil society organisations and citizens across Africa are calling upon their governments to issue an immediate ban on all use of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs). Launched by the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) and the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), the #BanGlyphosateAfrica campaign has been endorsed by African organisations representing millions of […]


ALERT: More poisoning of South Africa’s staple food, as 2,4-D GM maize set for approval

6 September 2019 The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is extremely concerned about impending approvals by the South African government in regard to three new genetically modified (GM) maize varieties designed to withstand the extremely toxic herbicide, 2,4-D. 2,4-D is one of the active ingredients of the infamous war chemical Agent Orange. The ACB has […]


ACB’s Objection to Monsanto’s Application for Commodity Import of GM maize for a number of events: herbicide tolerance, including for dicamba, as well as pest resistance

ACB’s Objection to Monsanto’s Application for Commodity Import of GM maize for a number of events: herbicide tolerance, including for dicamba, as well as pest resistance – MON 87427 x MON 89034 x MIR 162 x MON87419; MON 87427 x MON 89034 x MON810 x MIR 162 x MON 87411 x MON 87419; and MON […]