The African Centre for Biosafety has the pleasure of launching our new book titled, “GMOs in Africa: food and agriculture: Status report 2007.
This booklet is the 4th in our Biosafety, Biopolitics and Biopiracy Series. ISBN: 978-0-620-40099-2 By: Shenaz Moola and Victor Munnik Edited by: Mariam Mayet and Rose Williams Layout and design by: Lesley Lewis,
Acknowledgements: This publication has been made possible as a result of the combined support of EED, HIVOS and NORAD. The ACB also extends its gratitude to Stephen Greenberg for his early research contributions.
About the Book: The book provides an overview of the current status of genetic engineering using transgenic techniques in Africa’s agriculture and food systems. It provides a synopsis of the current situation in Africa, an analysis of the key issues and trends, regional overviews and country by country status reports.
Read here.