Event Tms60444 (Cassava)
Objections To The Application Made By ARC? Institute For Industrial Crops In Respect Of An Experimental Trial Release Application For Event Tms60444 (cassava) to the National Department of Agriculture, South Africa
PREPARED BY THE AFRICAN CENTRE FOR BIOSAFETY and GRAIN, with special thanks to Elizabeth Bravo from Accion Ecologica, Ecuador for her assistance. Supported and endorsed by: Earthlife Africa, Cape Town, Earthlife Africa Ethekwini, Ekogaia Foundation, Safe Food Coalition, South African Freeze Alliance on Genetic Engineering (SAFeAGE), Zululand Environmental Alliance (ZEAL); Geasphere SA; Centre for Development Initiatives Uganda; CED/Friends of the Earth, Cameroon; Ecological Society of the Philippines, The GAIA Foundation, UK; and a number of individuals in SA, including Dr Harald Witt, UKZN; Anthea Torr, Biophile Magazine and Enchantrix Products; Tim Wigley Earth Harmony Innovators; Bianci Baldi; Lenard Roos, Assistant Editor Namiste; Milly Kyofa-Boamah; Samantha Squire-Howe; Delia Eaglestone; Hilary Bassett; Cheryl Kroon; Renata Ceglowski; Sandy Muller, Bob Small, ABALIMI; Sharmilla Stirk, Fabian Saptouw; Peta Hunter; Louise De Villiers Attorney; Bebe Evans Shoot the Breeze Productions; Sal Davies; Amanda Youngleson; Leigh Tredger, Ursula Thormeyer.
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