Latest GM & Biosafety Resources

Media campaign highlights urgent need to ban Terbufos, HHPs

In December, the ACB, alongside a coalition of organisations, academics, and unions, submitted a letter of demand to the Minister of Agriculture, Mr John Steenhuisen. This urgent appeal calls for the immediate ban of Terbufos — a highly hazardous pesticide implicated in the tragic deaths of six children in Naledi, Soweto, last year. To amplify […]


One year later and no substantive response to our call for a review of 2,4-D

Minister Steenhuisen, when can we expect the Registrar to respond? Today marks a year since we called for a review of the registration of 2,4-D in South Africa, in a letter to the Registrar: Act No. 36 of 1947, Mr Jonathan Mudzunga. With no substantive response forthcoming, despite substantiation in a further submission, and persistent […]


Ban Terbufos and HHPs or face legal action Minister Steenhuisen, says civil society alliance

5 December 2024 A group of organisations, academics, and unions has today sent a letter of demand to Minister of Agriculture, Mr John Steenhuisen, requiring him to immediately ban the lethal chemical that has been implicated in the deaths of six children – Terbufos. At least 22 people have reportedly died from ingesting highly hazardous […]


Petition – Reckless endangerment: Hold South African government and chemical industry to account for deaths and serious illnesses from toxic pesticides on the farm and in food

Ban Terbufos with immediate effect, institute mechanisms for banning all highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) within three months Please click here to sign on. Please spread the word by sharing this petition with others: (Klik hier om in Afrikaans te lees.) 22 November 2024 To: South Africans have been alarmed to learn of multiple instances of children […]


Sentencia pionera del Tribunal Supremo de Apelación en el asunto ACB contra Monsanto/Bayer y el Estado

Se anula la aprobación para la comercialización del maíz modificado genéticamente tolerante a la sequía Haga clic aquí para leer en inglés. Haga clic aquí para leer en francés. Johannesburgo, 22 de octubre de 2024 Después de nueve largos años de arduos litigios por parte del Centro Africano para la Biodiversidad (ACB), un tribunal compuesto […]


Arrêt inédit de la Cour de cassation dans l’affaire ACB contre Monsanto/Bayer et l’État

Annulation de l’autorisation commerciale d’un maïs génétiquement modifié tolérant à la sécheresse Cliquez ici pour lire en anglais. Cliquez ici pour lire en espagnol. Johannesburg, le 22 octobre 2024 Après neuf ans de procédure judiciaire ardue menée par le Centre africain pour la biodiversité (ACB), un collège complet composé de cinq juges de la Cour […]


Groundbreaking judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal in ACB vs Monsanto/Bayer and the State

Commercial approval of GM drought-tolerant maize set aside Click here to read in French. Click here to read in Spanish. Johannesburg, 22nd October 2024 After nine long years of arduous litigation by the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), a full bench consisting of five judges of the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA), sitting in Bloemfontein, […]


Perilous GM wheat to be grown in SA: transgenic crop plants increasingly given a biosafety-free pass

—— Press release ———- 30 September 2024 Genetically modified (GM) wheat, purported to be drought tolerant, is set to be grown in field trials in South Africa during 2025 and 2026, at three locations in the Western Cape (near Moorreesburg, Protem, and Swellendam) and one in the Northern Cape (near Hopetown), following an application for […]


GMOs: two decades of laying out the facts

Even though first-generation genetically modified (GM) agricultural crops have faced significant setbacks and outright failures over the last two decades, a new push for second-generation GM crops has emerged. Despite the destructive role of industrial agricultural expansion in biodiversity loss and human health, we are seeing a resurgence in its momentum, with false solutions such […]


Game-changer for regulation of genome editing and new tech as SA’s Ag Minister overrules Industry and Appeal Board

PRESS RELEASE 5 February 2024 The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), welcomes the final decision taken by the South African Minister of Agriculture Ms Thoko Didiza, in terms of section 19 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Act of 1997, to uphold the October 2021 decision of the Executive Council (EC) that the risk assessment […]


Call on South Africa to deregister agrotoxin 2,4-D

 Dear friends and colleagues, The ACB, supported by 18 organisations/networks in South Africa, has made a substantive submission to the Registrar of the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Seeds and Remedies Act 36 of 1947 (commonly referred to as Act 36), to institute a review in terms of section 4 of the Act 36, into the continued […]


High Court Decision on GM ‘bogus’ drought tolerant maize – significant blow to advancement of environmental law in GMO decision making

— Press release — On 27 June 2023, Justice Tolmay handed down her judgment on the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)’s application to review the decisions of South Africa’s Executive Council (EC): Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Act, the GMO Appeal Board, and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, which approved Monsanto/Bayer’s genetically modified (GM) […]