Latest GM & Biosafety Resources

Is the end of the State of Disaster the beginning of mandatory vaccines in South Africa?

The endless extensions to the State of Disaster, initially declared two years ago, has provoked criticism from medical experts and calls for its end from public-interest groups and an increasingly fed-up citizenry. Recently, the government announced that the restrictions were finally to be lifted.  However, during this time, a draft amendment to the National Health […]


The financialisation of malaria in Africa: Burkina Faso, rogue capital & GM /gene drive mosquitoes

(Veuillez cliquer ici pour lire en français) The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) hereby publishes a new research paper, titled, “The Financialisation of malaria: Burkina Faso, Rogue capital & GM/gene drive mosquitoes.” This paper seeks to understand the financialisation of malaria as a vehicle for rogue capital in a context of a weakened state (through […]


The Sorghum Gene Grab

A 16-page booklet by Edward Hammond. Read here. View the press release here.


Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa: Turning Africa into a repository for failed agricultural technologies

The ‘new’ Green Revolution push in Africa is directed squarely at increasing agricultural production as the continent’s most fundamental development priority. The most visible actor in the Green Revolution onslaught is the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), a partnership between the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Despite initial […]


Genes from Africa: the colonisation of African DNA

“You people. We thought you folks had taken everything you could. You took our land, you took our homes. You stole our pottery and our songs and our blankets and our designs. You took our language and, in some places, you even took our children. You snatched at our religion and at our women. You […]


Rural Communities Express Dismay: “land grabs” fuelled by Biofuels Strategy

More than sixty people met in Durban on March 5th 2007, to discuss the South African government’s Draft Industrial Biofuels Strategy, which is open for public comment until the end of March. The undersigned NGOs, individuals, farmer organisations and rural communities from KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Limpopo and Mpumalanga who attended the workshop, express our extreme […]


Turning Food into Fuel

GM Drought Tolerant Soybean and its use in the Production of Biodiesel Read the briefing here.


Mozambique – GMO Legislation

The proposed biosafety regulatory regime (hereafter referred to as the “draft biosafety law” or “biosafety law”) of the Republic of Mozambique consists of a draft Decree of Council of Ministers, containing the biosafety regulation and 2 draft technical guidelines for risk evaluation as well as public awareness and participation in biosafety and biotechnology related issues. […]


Monsanto and Genetic Modification in South Africa facts for South African consumers

Monsanto and Genetic Modification in South Africa Facts For South African Consumers – Feb 2006 African Centre for Biosafety. Read more. Factsheet: Who Benefits From Gm Crops? Monsanto and the Corporate driven Genetically Modified Crop Revolution- Jan 2006 Friends of the Earth International. Read more. A Profile Of Monsanto In South Africa – Apr 2005 […]