Latest GMOs/Biosafety in Africa Resources

The GMO crisis in Swaziland

Swaziland is under enormous pressure to introduce genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the country’s farming system. This pressure is coming not only from Monsanto but also from farmers and some sections of the public who have been fed a great deal of misinformation and hype by the pro-biotech machinery. The farmers, acting on incomplete and […]


BT-Cotton COT200-Cry1Ab, RR–Cotton, (Syngenta)

Bt-Cotton COT200-Cry1Ab / Syngenta Bt-Cotton COT102-Cry1Ab / Syngenta RoundupReady-Cotton / Syngenta SUBMISSION OF OBJECTIONS BY THE AFRICAN CENTRE FOR BIOSAFETY (ACB) (renamed to African Centre for Biodiversity) Objections to the Application made by Syngenta South Africa in Respect of the Following Events to the National Department of Agriculture, South Africa. Read here. SYNOPSIS – AFRICAN […]