You can make a difference by keeping the pressure on food producers. Consumer pressure works.. Especially if it is constant and relentless… We have won many victories and we can win the big one’s too. Consumers have the power! Let’s take back our food supply… Keep writing to them
To demand GM free food the food To remind them how disappointed you are with the lack of non GM options To mention to them that you switched to a GM free product To tell them that you just couldn’t bring yourself to buy their product and then of course just for good measure To DEMAND GM FREE FOOD again Contact Details of Food Producers The four big maize millers are Tiger Brands, Pioneer Foods, Premier Foods and Foodcorp. They can be contacted
Tiger Brands Tiger’s Ace Maize Meal contains 87% GM Maize!
Tiger Brands spokesperson Nevashnee Naicker said the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries had approved the use of GM maize, soya and cotton. 011 840 4000
Pioneer Foods Pioneer’s White Star Maize contains 55% GM Maize! Pioneer group executive Anton van Zyl said the company was aware of the debate on the merits of GM, and it labelled products that contained GM. However, it had not embarked on any deliberate GMO content reduction. Email:
Sasko Grain: 0800 022000 Premier Foods Premier’s Iwisa Maize Meal contains 91 percent GM maize. Premier’s position “It was aware that some consumers were concerned about the unknown impacts of genetic modification. All Premier’s ingredients complied with the law and were regarded as safe.” 0860 122 300 Email:
Foodcorp’s Tafelberg contains 88% GM maize. Foodcorp’s Stephen Heath said there had been continuing discussion about GM between the National Chamber of Milling and the Department of Trade and Industry. 011 549 1030 E-mail: Online Contact Form:
The four big breakfast cereal companies are Nestle, Tiger Brands (Purity), Pioneer Foods (Bokomo) and Kellogg’s.
- Nestle Email: Online Contact Form: Telephone: 011 5146116
- Tiger Brands Telephone: 011 840 4000 Email: Purity Contact Page: Purity Facebook Page:
- Pioneer Foods / Bokomo “We can, however, confirm that our ProNutro range was reformulated last year and now contains no GM maize or soya, Telephone: 0860 221 102 Online Contact Form:
- Kellogg’s Telephone: 0860 200 601 Online Contact Form: