At a farmers rights meeting held in Uganda in September 2012, where a statement was drawn up and signed by many concerned parties.

Read the statement here.


  1. ActionAid, Tanzania
  2. ActionAid, Uganda
  3. Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment, Uganda
  4. African Biodiversity Network – representing 36 organisations in Africa
  5. African Centre for Biosafety, South Africa
  6. Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development, Uganda
  7. Community Technology Development Trust, Zimbabwe
  8. Eastern amp; Southern Africa Farmer’s Forum, Tanzania
  9. Eastern amp; Southern Africa Farmer’s Forum, Uganda
  10. Eastern amp; Southern Africa Farmer’s Forum, Zambia
  11. Envirocare, Tanzania
  12. Ethio-Organic Seed Action, Ethiopia
  13. Food Rights Alliance, Uganda
  14. Inades Formation, Kenya
  15. Kenya Biodiversity Coalition – representing 67 civil society groups
  16. National Organic Agricultural Movement of Uganda
  17. Participatory Ecological Land Use Management – representing 230 civil society groups including
  18. PELUM Kenya,
  19. PELUM Rwanda,
  20. PELUM Tanzania and
  21. PELUM Uganda.
  22. Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute, Uganda
  23. Surplus People Project, South Africa
  24. Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity, Tanzania – representing 15 organisations
  25. The Pincer Group International Ltd, Uganda
  26. Third World Network
  27. Uniao Nacional de Camponeses (National Farmers Union), Mozambique
  28. Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns, Uganda.