At a farmers rights meeting held in Uganda in September 2012, where a statement was drawn up and signed by many concerned parties.
Read the statement here.
- ActionAid, Tanzania
- ActionAid, Uganda
- Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment, Uganda
- African Biodiversity Network – representing 36 organisations in Africa
- African Centre for Biosafety, South Africa
- Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development, Uganda
- Community Technology Development Trust, Zimbabwe
- Eastern amp; Southern Africa Farmer’s Forum, Tanzania
- Eastern amp; Southern Africa Farmer’s Forum, Uganda
- Eastern amp; Southern Africa Farmer’s Forum, Zambia
- Envirocare, Tanzania
- Ethio-Organic Seed Action, Ethiopia
- Food Rights Alliance, Uganda
- Inades Formation, Kenya
- Kenya Biodiversity Coalition – representing 67 civil society groups
- National Organic Agricultural Movement of Uganda
- Participatory Ecological Land Use Management – representing 230 civil society groups including
- PELUM Kenya,
- PELUM Rwanda,
- PELUM Tanzania and
- PELUM Uganda.
- Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute, Uganda
- Surplus People Project, South Africa
- Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity, Tanzania – representing 15 organisations
- The Pincer Group International Ltd, Uganda
- Third World Network
- Uniao Nacional de Camponeses (National Farmers Union), Mozambique
- Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns, Uganda.