PAN Germany, a charitable organisation which provides information on the adverse effects of pesticides and promotes environmentally friendly and socially just alternatives.
We will send the following letter in your name:
To: Syngenta, Martin Taylor, Chairman of the Board of Directors Bayer CropScience, Sandra E. Peterson, Chief Executive Office BASF, Wayne T. Smith, Member of the Board of Executive Directors
Dear Mr Taylor, Dear Ms Peterson, Dear Mr Smith, Every year, countless cases of pesticide poisoning occur. Syngenta, Bayer, and BASF, as the three largest pesticide companies worldwide, are to a large extent responsible; your company markets more than fifty highly hazardous pesticides worldwide.
Since the mid-1980s, programs for a safe use of pesticides have been implemented to prevent pesticide poisonings. Nevertheless, people, farm animals, and the environment continue to suffer considerable harm due to highly hazardous pesticides. Twenty-five years are enough. I call on you to end the sale of highly hazardous pesticides.
Yours sincerely,
The undersigned