Latest Agroecology Resources
21 June 2017
Food Systems of the Future Public Talk
The ACB in partnership with Wits Inala Forum had the honour of hosting Pat Mooney, Donna Andrews, John Nzira and Stephen Greenberg at a public talk at Wits University on the 12th of May 2017, in the light of the three mega mergers taking place. The title of the talk was “Food Systems of the […]
READ13 January 2017
Hands OFF Our Food Systems! Small Farmers NOT Corporates Feed Africa
This lobby paper Who will feed Africans: Small-scale farmers not corporations! produced by the partnership between FoEA and ACB, makes the compelling case for African agriculture to transition towards agroecology and food sovereignty, recognising and strengthening the role of small scale farmers, rather than benefiting few large scale corporations with detrimental ecological, socio-economic, and nutritional […]
READ13 July 2016
Soil fertility: Agroecology and not the Green Revolution for Africa
This synthesis report summarises ACB’s research on the Green Revolution push in Africa, based on fieldwork conducted in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe over the past three years. The research indicates that the promotion of synthetic fertiliser use in Africa is only a short-term fix for enhancing soil fertility on the continent. In the […]
READ13 March 2015
Agroecology in South Africa: policy and practice
The African Centre for Biosafety has prepared a discussion document on agroecology-related policy in South Africa, and included a few examples of agroecology practices in South Africa. We trust that this document will contribute to the recently launched Food Sovereignty Campaign and the progress of agroecology practice being made on the ground in South Africa.
READ25 November 2009
Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) challenges leaders on climate change
We, the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), representing small holders, pastoralists, hunter/gatherers, indigenous peoples, citizens and environmentalists from Africa demand that African leaders do more to protect Africa’s food sovereignty, biodiversity, culture and livelihoods of her people. Read here.
READ28 July 2007
The Geopolitics of agrofuels
The current ecological crisis has elicited a number of market based ‘solutions’ from the corporate – northern axis and their conduits at various international development agencies. The appropriation of vast swathes of land (often labelled ‘marginal’ by its proponents), especially in the global south, for the production of agro-fuels will undermine food security and aggravate […]