Latest Agroecology Resources

Integrate biodiversity targets from local to global levels

On 13 August 2021, the journal Science published an article titled, Integrate biodiversity targets from local to global levels, that included ACB executive director Mariam Mayet and research and advocacy officers Linzi Lewis and Andrew Bennie as co-authors. We are honoured to be part of this incredible team of African scientists, conservationists, and community leaders […]


We are nature! Human rights, environmental law, and the illusion of separation

Por favor, haga clic aquí para el español Passer à la version française Clique aqui para a versão portuguesa Food connects us with nature. There is no other place where our intrinsic relationship with the living world is as clear. When we eat, our body transforms nature into people. Moreover, the production of nutritious food […]


Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition Report

Coming on the heels of the publication of the UN’s State of Food Security and Nutrition (SOFI) report presenting the global hunger and food insecurity figures, the Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition (GNRtFN) releases its 2020 State of the Right to Food and Nutrition Report, which the ACB supports. Here is […]


Reflections midway through 2020: The need for solidarity and global rules for rooted change

ACB’s Executive Director Mariam Mayet looks back at the first half of the year We are mired in a world shattering pandemic of unprecedented magnitude and virulence. The architecture of global economic, environmental, human rights and political governance institutions and rules established in the 20th century are in the process of atrophying. The crisis is […]


COVID-19: Food distribution and health support to informal settlements

Click here to read about the Ivory Park #COVID-19 Campaign relief initiative The Ubuntu Project COVID-19 SA lockdown regulations put strain on the livelihoods of vulnerable communities, and loss of income meant many people were unable to buy food. In the early stage of level 5 lockdown, families and small-scale farmers were cut off from […]


Civil society statement on the South African Supplementary Budget

Implications for food security and land reform within a context of multiple crises See below for a link to the recording of an online media briefing. The Minister of Finance has announced an austerity budget at a time when the fissures of unresolved historical inequality, poverty and suffering are made so much sharper. The lives […]


Towards a democratised and recalibrated food system in South Africa

ACB’S Stephen Greenberg’s op-ed urging for a shift to localisation and agroecology The Covid-19 crisis has exposed the stark inequalities that persist in our society. Vast disparities in access to health care, food, shelter, personal safety, water, transport and communications have been laid bare. Aside from imposing a lockdown, the South African government has been […]


Towards building consensus to democratise Africa’s food systems during COVID-19 and beyond: A Webinar

If you missed our African civil society organisation collective online teach-in: please click here to view the webinar. Towards building consensus to democratise Africa’s food systems during COVID-19 and beyond DATE: Thursday 30 April 2020 TIME: 15h00 Central Africa Time/ SA (GMT +2), 14h00 West Africa Time (GMT +1), 16h00 East Africa Time (GMT +3) […]


IPC’s letter on UN Food Systems Summit: Call for support

The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) calls on CSOs to endorse their letter of concern to the UN regarding the 2021 World Food Summit Since the 1996 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation’s (FAO’s) World Food Summit (WFS) in Rome, civil society organisations (CSOs) supporting food sovereignty have created alliances across […]


Marginalised worldviews hold the key to climate change adaption: Reflections from the International Adaptation Futures Conference, Cape Town

June 2018 In the climate change arena there are two main streams of work – mitigation, which are measures we need to take to stop emissions and halt climate change, and adaptation – the varied practices we are taking and can take to adapt to living with the new conditions that climate change brings. Adaptation […]


Agroecology points the way towards resilience against climate change

This week the water-stressed city of Cape Town hosts the bi-annual Adaptation Futures conference, where scientists, business leaders, and practitioners from the world of development and agriculture will come together to engage in ‘dialogues for solutions’ to the multifarious problems wrought by our rapidly changing climate. As actors with different perspectives design modes of collaboration, […]


Is transformation on the Horizon?

Someone asked my son when he was about three years old, ‘What is your father’s job?’ He said, ‘Sibseba’, which in Amharic means ‘meetings’. This was because every time my son used to ask me where I was going, I used to tell him to sibseba. At the time, I was coordinating the Ethiopian civil […]